Stuck in the Middle of a Family Rift

Stuck in the middle of an incommunicable family unit row... at a loss as to what to exercise.

(57 Posts)

Haleana Thu 24-February-11 02:26:21


This is a long story and so I'll endeavor to be concise. My brother and sister-in-law have a two-twelvemonth old girl and another babe on the way within the next few weeks. The human relationship between my mum and SIL has always been strained. They accept been together since their early on teens (now mid 20s) and moved in together in their mid to late teens. Co-ordinate to them mum confronted them in a shop (random I know) and basically accused SIL of taking away her boy. I'd like to point out at this betoken that mum is Filipino and doesn't always get across what she means to say very well. She too has a tendency to say the wrong affair a LOT of the fourth dimension and then wonder why she's upset someone.

Fast forwards a few years and bro and SIL are married. Then, inevitably, autumn significant and have my parent'southward first grandchild. SIL is naturally a very private and independant person, she's not at all cuddly but is pretty down-to-globe simply has a temper and seems to be very stubborn at times (from what I've experienced). There were the usual gripes that come with a new baby/grandchild, betwixt the MIL and my SIL. Typical like, the loaded question of whether SIL was Notwithstanding breastfeeding her after so long, perceived criticism over sure aspects of their parenting skills etc, etc. Now I can quite believe that things were said but I'g very certain none of them were meant to harm. Trouble is, my niece is now two and a half and the relationship between them has become and so difficult, I'grand not sure it's going to last much longer. SIL has told me that her human relationship with my mum is expressionless (her words) and that nothing would salvage information technology now. My parents are saying that SIL is the reason that they don't get to run across or interact with their grandaughter as much as they'd like (there accept been gaps of well over a month and they alive 10mins down the route, just and then the other will say in that location take been periods of regular visits as well). Now mum is then terrified that she will upset SIL, she behaves stiffly around her and is too scared to interact with grandaughter for fear of upsetting SIL. More often than not, she returns home crying because grandaughter has shied away from her when she went in for a caress or considering of something SIL has said or done. On the other hand, SIL and bro say that its because of this that they are and so annoyed. That its becoming ridiculous that she's upset about something most every fourth dimension she visits. To make things worse, my bro and parents all work closely together. This makes bro reluctant to see them socially considering he sees them all day. AND my dad is making things worse by telling anyone and anybody at work who'll listen, how abnormal and socially inept SIL is because she doesn't accommodate to what he views equally normal! Of course, this then gets dorsum to bro, who and so goes home and tells SIL. It's truly breaking my heart.

The latest thing is that dad casually asked bro what they were going to do with grandaughter when SIL goes into labour and bro says that SIL's parents volunteered months before so they're doing information technology, and that a friend from upwardly the road was on standby simply in case, then thanks for offering but they're alright. Of course this upsets parents equally they run into that as them preferring a friend over grandparents to exercise the babysitting. Problem is, granddaughter is 2 and a half and my parents have NEVER spent Any fourth dimension alone with her. They've never babysat and certainly never had her overnight. Bro and SIL also get over to her parents more (not much more, only more) than they see my parents and so that is as well being counted by my parents every bit a shun. Anyway, subsequently being told about the babysitting affair when SIL goes into labour, mum decided to take a chat with bro nearly information technology. Apparently she is honest with him and tells him that they're upset that they weren't considered, specially over a mate up the road. She then makes the ultimate error past saying 'We'd hate to retrieve this is you', of class implying then that information technology must all be SIL. Naturally bro is offended by this, goes dwelling house and tells SIL. Mum in the meantime goes home and gets over information technology reasonably chop-chop, thinking she's at least told him how she feels. Forward a couple of days and mum has a visit with them. SIL shuts herself away upstairs for the duration of the visit and won't come down. She has an essay to write and is still annoyed well-nigh what was said the other day. Mum returns home after the visit with bro and granddaughter and is hysterical. I get the hysterical phonecall when I have visitors, mum hangs up. Dad phones and says I take to phone call her considering she'due south run off. I talk to mum whose taken it out on my other brother (twin of bro 1) who then storms off to sort things out (I discover out later). I decide subsequently this chat to call bro and SIL to have a civil and at-home conversation about how this was all getting out of hand and that they should all sit in a room together to talk most how they all experience and try and sort something out or at least try to come to some agreement for the sake of the family unit relationship and the grandkids. All the same, by the time I get to the bit about how mum is deadline a nervous breakdown and the fact that she thinks SIL hates her is breaking her heart (I'm talking to my bro at the time), SIL (who apparently was listening in on speakerphone) went ballistic. So loud in fact that I couldn't empathize much of what was said because it distorted in my ear (something forth the lines of well I will hate her if she carries on with this pathetic/ridiculous behaviour). I then endeavor and tell them that I'm just trying to have a calm and adult chat about how we can resolve things and brainstorm having a adept conversation with bro (despite hisses and jibes in the background) when twin of bro knocks at their door. Manifestly I tin hear this. SIL opens the door every bit bro is talking to me, I hear other bro say something (a few words) then SIL goes uber mental at him screaming that she doesn't need this at 32 wks of pregnancy or something forth those lines. Then apparently he but turns around and walks abroad at which point I'chiliad hung up on so bro tin can effort to sort things out. I later find out that this is all in front of granddaughter. So basically its at present got to the point where things seem irreparable and I know information technology sounds awful only I've been the 'negotiator' for years now and I have my own family unit to worry virtually (hubby and i year sometime son). I and then desperately want to tell them all that I'grand out and they tin can deal with it on their own, but the truth is, they're all so stubborn, they simply won't. It'll just keep on escalating until someone has a breakdown or they move every bit far away from usa all as possible. I'one thousand really in a conundrum. I chosen bro and SIL upward subsequently to see if everyone was okay and for the very first fourth dimension, heard my bro break down crying before he hung up on me. He said he couldn't handle the stress. I quite understand too because I don't feel like I'm far backside. I'm already on pills for bi-polar while they try and empathize my ain mental issues and then is twin bro. He won't talk to anyone at present. What on earth do I do?

nailak Thu 24-Feb-11 02:35:20

zero, let them sort information technology out, mil's and dils allways have these bug and they accept to go over it themselves. its ur bro who should be mediating and sorting it out and non passing on info to his wife that he volition know will upset her when she is heavily meaning.

blinks Thu 24-Feb-11 02:36:53

nothing. they're adults so let them sort information technology out.

blinks Thu 24-Feb-11 02:37:33

everyone getting involved will just whip information technology upwards into a frenzy.

blinks Thu 24-February-11 02:39:01

esp as his siblongs are naturally going to take your mum's side.

she has to take responsibleness hither for herself and her own relationship with her son.

she could do many things to make this better instead of acting like a baby.

blinks Thu 24-Feb-eleven 02:39:13

Haleana Thu 24-Feb-11 02:39:38

I know but it's so hard when your mother is calling y'all, so hysterical she can barely talk. Information technology's so upsetting.

blinks Thu 24-Feb-11 02:41:26

she needs to pull herself together. you're enabling her hysteria.

nailak Thu 24-Feb-11 02:42:03

tell her to act like an adult and interim this way is not helping anything and if she is serious about having a relationship with her granddaughter then she should be the bigger and elder person and set an case by going to dil and saying sorry can we kickoff again, coz if she dont its her thats gonna loose out.

blinks Thu 24-Feb-11 02:42:27

you lot tin sympathise but then put a positive spin, batting the ball back to her-

eg 'so, i hope you lot feel better after talking about it to me, what do you recall you lot can do to assistance make this ameliorate?' etc

thumbwitch Thu 24-February-11 02:42:31

Send them all to family unit counselling and end trying to do it yourself.

Your brother is not helping the result by relaying everything your mother says to him dorsum to his wife. I can see that he doesn't want to have secrets from her merely he is fuelling the fires.

Your begetter is equally fuelling your mother'due south burn.

If you lot want to do something without the aid of an external party, then I would suggest this - Merely the women gather, have a "talking spoon" or other object and the Merely person who can speak is the i property the talking object (although you need a referee for this, might have to exist you).
Let each person a few minutes to talk CALMLY well-nigh the situation as they encounter/feel it. They are simply immune to:
talk well-nigh their Own feelings, no attributing stuff to other people (this merely leads to further bad feeling)
talk without abusing anyone else in ANY WAY
talk calmly without shouting

Your mother needs to apologise for whatever upsets due to her inadequate language skills. Your SIL needs to accept this.

Attributing feelings to others, e.g. "I know she hates me" is UTTERLY counterproductive. Although it tin exist said thus "I feel similar she doesn't similar me at all considering..."

I am only suggesting this because your entire family may refuse to countenance going "outside the family" to deal with it - only y'all need to have your say with the spoon also, not simply be the referee.

And when the women take reached some sort of compromise/understanding, THEN you might need to involve the men. But bluntly, I remember with them you'd be better telling them to Finish fuelling the feud, they're NOT HELPING. The trouble is very clearly between your mum and your SIL - the men would, IMO, be counterproductive in the Meridian Coming together you need to take.

Failing all of the to a higher place, tell ALL of them that you don't want to hear near it until they ALL cease behaving like spoilt brats and first talking to each other like civilised adults.

Haleana Thu 24-February-11 02:42:31

And I totally meet both sides to their argument too. I recollect she is scared of SIL! And to exist honest, after what I heard today, I call back I am too at present!!

blinks Thu 24-Feb-11 02:45:03

you lot need to back off and encourage them to take some fourth dimension to reflect on how to brand things better. so let them get on with it.

blinks Thu 24-Feb-xi 02:45:35

if they fuck it upwards, they fuck it upward. non your fault.

Haleana Thu 24-February-11 02:48:twenty

thumbwitch, I have suggested almost exactly what you've said so I'one thousand quite glad I'm not the only one who'd think this is a practiced idea. However, when I did this I was basically told past both sides that it wouldn't piece of work. I got a petty ray of hope when bro agreed that information technology might be the only option in our conversation today but it would accept to be once new baby is born and all that difficult bit of new infant childcare was over (I think it will exist conveniently forgotten about). I totally agree that its all existence whipped up into a frenzy and later getting off the phone, realised that in trying to help I was probably doing more than impairment. This is why I've decided to tell them all that I simply don't want to be involved anymore. Trouble is, I've washed this before and been told past mum that if she can't talk to her ain girl, who tin can she talk to? sad

Haleana Thu 24-February-xi 02:49:06

blinks, you're right I know. Then why is it so hard?? I'chiliad finding myself lying awake all dark worrying near all of them!

thumbwitch Thu 24-Feb-11 02:59:43

They are all behaving rather childishly. Your mum doesn't want to only talk to you, she wants to bitch to you nearly the situation and accept y'all sympathise and agree with her that your SIL is a PITA. This is not appropriate under the circumstances.
Merely while your mum and SIL are definitely the primary protagonists here, I cannot for the life of me see why your brother is stirring the shit-pot more, not really. Nor your Dad! Are they all then stupid that they cannot come across how much worse they're making the situation?

Take several steps back and tell them all that you lot are in no fit state yourself to be problem by their childish spats - and tell your Mum that it would be overnice if she put YOUR wellness alee of her grievances for once.

blinks Thu 24-Feb-eleven 03:39:xiv

your mum is existence very dizzy and manipulative. your loyalty is split and she's being destructive by dragging yous into it.

sounds like more people demand to stand up to her. tell her you lot volition talk to her when she's had time to reflect on information technology and tin recollect rationally.

so when she tries to discuss it tell her y'all'll listen to whatsoever ideas she has to make it ameliorate only otherwise would adopt to talk about something else.

thumbwitch Thu 24-Feb-xi 03:47:49

Merely had a thought - she can talk to your Dad - you can't be the only person who has to listen to her. But if you consistently keep the aforementioned message when you lot talk to her, she will presently learn:
"Mum, I don't want to talk about it until you are prepared to do something positive about it."

Keep saying that, over and over, hanging up if necessary after a few repeats.

Tortington Thu 24-Feb-xi 05:07:41

i agree with others that say you need to go on out of information technology. i think that perhaps you need to concentrate on your relation send with your blood brother, and so he knows he however has a confidant and some back up.

i practise take to say that your brother needs to close his fucking oral fissure everytime someone says something almost his wife - running back and telling her. either he sorts his shit out or keeps his gob shut. he's definatley function of the problem.

i think the just resolution will come if your mother only lets them go. if she wants to encounter her grandaughter, she should inquire if she can accept her a regular time each week, alone.

macdoodle Thu 24-Feb-11 07:31:07

Your poor poor SIL your mother sounds similar a childish bully and you're all backing her upward. Not surprised if she posts on here abstract gets told to cit you all out and I wouldnt blame her at all. Can yous not see her side at all ?

QuintessentialShadows Thu 24-Feb-11 07:46:22

I am sad, but your family sound bonkers. I feel really sorry for your SIL to have married into this.

Your mother seems similar a hysterical and childish drama queen. Your father is rubbishing his daughter in police in his work place. (Pretty tough for the employees to listen to, I will imagine) Your brother hears this bitching and brings it dorsum to his poor married woman. The woman can exercise no right. And now she knows you are involved too.

If the lot of y'all dont pull yourself together, I wouldnt be surprised if she leaves your brother. (This is why you worry so much, right? I totally empathise)

Merely you should footstep out. You lot should tell her you dont agree with how your family is behaving, and will endeavour to dorsum her up as much as y'all can. But other than that, you lot want to exist neutral.

When your mother calls, tell her to telephone call you back when she has calmed down. Tell her to be adult. Tell your brother not to echo everything his father says about his married woman. Tell him to stand up to his male parent and say "Please dont speak badly about my wife in my identify of work".

What a toxic situation.

CheckeredFlag Thu 24-Feb-11 07:54:53

Expert post QS, it's the DIL I feel lamentable for here.

waterrat Thu 24-Feb-11 08:08:28

ALthough I can sympathise how these things escalate and how upset your mum is, I do feel actually sorry for your SIL here. Firstly - yous say 'things similar why are you still breastfeeding' and explain them away as 'non meant unkindly'. Have a look at some of the threads on MILs hither to come across how this impacts on new mums, its very upsetting when you are on the receiving stop, and absolutely it is damaging.

MIL and DIL relationships are famously prone to tension - and I recall in those situations it's upwards to the MIL, who has the most experience, to exist kind and caring. You seem overly protective (naturally I do understand that) of your mum - she has clearly upset your SIL very securely and so creates drama every time she goes round there. God, that would drive me MAD! She is the hysterical one, she needs to apologise seriously. I tin can't see hither, what the hell your SIl has washed.

Now - final and most serious betoken - you are calling your SIL when she is 32 weeks pregnant to try and go her to solve a family row - that is UNACCEPTABLE. Leave this poor woman alone - your mum and and dad are completely out of order in kicking up a fuss nearly bloody baby sitting duties.

I tin just imagine the thread your SIL would write on here - at that place she is, heavily pregnant and your dad/ mum are coming round leaning on your brother over babysitting issues which are absolutely not worth arguing virtually and are up to them every bit parents. It is really childish, selfish and upsetting.

I honestly retrieve that the way to resolve this would be to sit with your mum and tell her to chill out, back off and calm down. Of course they dont want to deal with it in the kickoff few months of having a baby - why the hell should they, they didnt start this row.

Your poor brother, reduced to tears - your mum and dad are in the wrong here and your job as pacifier should be to tell them that - then tell them to write a calm letter apologising and explaining that in 6 months you lot can all sit down down and talk properly.

TallulahDoesTheHula Thu 24-February-11 08:37:53

Why is everyone chasing upwardly the heavily pg dil to sort things out when it seems to be the mum who is causing virtually of it?
Every time your mum phones you in hysterics saying she is having a nervous breakdown tell her that this drama queen behaviour is what is causing the bug and that cipher will be resolved until she calms down and acts like a grown upwards!
I feel then sorry for your dil. She has been suffering from your mums bad behaviour for years but however allows access to visit the k daughter at to the lowest degree once a calendar month only for iyour mums behaviour to become worse. When she snaps and says that's plenty (but is still kind enough to allow your mum to visit without her present) everyone else in the family piles in and starts hounding the dil to sort things out!
I think you lot all need to have a adept think about your mums behaviour and realise how unfair you have been.
If I were you I would tell your sil that you are sorry for interfering, yous realise you over stepped the mark in that location. That you sympathise why she is upset with your mum and you are there for her and your blood brother if they need y'all.
Then stay out of it!

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