How to Respond to a Booty Text the Next Day
Sometimes you just want someone new or familiar to come over and hook up. Whether it's an ex you've already been through the ropes with or that hot Tinder guy you keep meaning to meet, who it is doesn't matter as much as what you say when sending the first booty-call message. Yes, it can be daunting. Like, do you keep it short and sweet, or go for something with more effort? Do you explicitly state that it's a booty call, or leave it open-ended?
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The truth is, what you text is up to you and your relationship with this booty call. Going bold or dancing around your purpose a little is all your call! And, if at first you don't succeed, you can always change your approach next time.
But, should you need any ideas or jumping off points, here are 11 women on their go-to booty-call texts and their estimated success rates:
1. "Hey IDK if this is still your number, but let me know if you want to fuck me" or "wyd tonight I'm bored :((("
"The first one has a 100 percent success rate but I've only used it on three exes. The second one probably has a 60 percent hit rate, but half the time, if they're busy, we just reschedule."—Rocio*, 23
2. "?"
"If it's late enough or on a weekend, they usually know what's up. It works like, 50 percent of the time, but it's so cryptic and low effort I don't feel bad if it doesn't work."—Tori, 26
3. "Pink or green?"
"Sometimes the colors vary. I'll have him pick a color and when he asks why, I'll say, 'invite me over later and you can find out.' When they see it's the color of the lingerie I'm wearing, they go wild. I'd say this works about 75 percent of the time."—Holly, 23
4. "Hey u"
"Follow it up with 'come over." It's probably a 75 percent success rate. I think this works well because it's simple and to the point. Plus, it's usually sent around bar close, so the implication is pretty clear: It's on."—Clare, 23
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5. [Gif of someone winking]
"When I was single, I just sent gifs of people winking. I'd say the response rate was 99.99 percent (I've never known a person to not respond to a cheeky gif), mostly because it sparks the conversation around hooking up. If they aren't available at that exact moment, they'd try to schedule a date at a later time."—Heidi, 33
6. "On a scale of 1–10, do you wanna bang?"
"I like to keep it simple, and obviously, this depends on my relationship with the person. I'd say it's 60 percent effective on a weekday (depending on how late it is), and 90 percent effective on a weekend."—Grace*, 26
7. "Don't say yes to this but wanna come over and fuck?"
"It's a high hit rate (85 percent minimum) because I use it on people I've already fucked. It basically sets up an easy way for them to state their interest even if they can't do it that night. You also build in a gentle and safe way for them to shut down the idea of future sex."—Anna*, 31
8. "Hey! Are you out right now?"
"TBH, the hit rate on this is super high — like 90% percent. I think it's because it's not a super thirsty text and makes it seem like I actually want to spend time or hang with them. Sow the seeds beforehand. Sometimes, I'll even text a guy at 8 p.m. and be like, 'Hey are you going out tonight?' and it sparks a convo. That ends with 'LMK where you end up, maybe we can meet up.'" —Ama, 24
9. "wyd" or "u up?"
"It may seem overplayed, but you're pretty much guaranteed a bite. Simplicity and looking casual are key. I'd say it works 90 percent of the time."—Bree, 26
10. "Can I come over?" or "There's this movie I really wanna show you" or "uhh I rly wanna cuddle if you're down and free rn"
"Usually it goes pretty well. Probably a solid 80 percent success rate. I think it works because most guys I meet are on dating apps and I almost never reply to their 'wyd' texts, so they have to wait for me to send mine instead."—Sara, 20
11. "Do you want to grab a drink tonight?"
"I feel like now that a lot of dates are just a pretext for sex, it's sort of just obvious or in the background and there's no need to explicitly ask for it. I only do this to cis men and not women/femmes—men are just easier booty calls (for me). I'd say this has a 100 percent success rate (unless someone's actually busy, but who's gonna turn down sex?). Otherwise, it definitely always would turn into scheduling a raincheck…whether or not I follow up once the moment has passed is another thing."—Gracie*, 25
*Names have been changed

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Carina Hsieh Sex & Relationships Editor Carina Hsieh lives in NYC with her French Bulldog Bao Bao — follow her on Instagram and Twitter • Candace Bushnell once called her the Samantha Jones of Tinder • She enjoys hanging out in the candle aisle of TJ Maxx and getting lost in Amazon spirals.
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How to Respond to a Booty Text the Next Day
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